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» Are you prepared for the impact that a disaster or emergency could have on your business?
» Can your company keep operating during a crisis or network failure?
» Do your employees know what to do when an emergency situation develops?

Answered no to any of these?

We can help.


Events beyond your control could put you out of business!

Heavy snows, local flooding, lightning strikes, high winds, power outages, communications failures, equipment breakdowns, staff turnover, and, of course, terrorist attacks…these are some of the many disasters that can disrupt your business. As if that's not enough to worry about, there are virus attacks, spam overload, network intrusions, and disgruntled employees.

Simply doing regular backups is not enough anymore. You could be out of business by the time you locate your backup media and find equipment to restore the files.

This is about keeping your business running and meeting obligations to your customers. They don't want to hear about your problems. They've got enough of their own. They want the product or service you promised. Will you be able to deliver?

A little planning goes a long way!

Imagine a natural disaster such as heavy wind and water damage or a man made one such as a massive telecommunications failure (as happened to AT&T a few years ago). Imagine that you can fill orders and stay connected to your customers while your competition stagnates.

You'd build incredible customer loyalty and win new business. Your employees would take comfort in knowing that they work for a company that can provide job security. But best of all, the cash would keep flowing!

A little time invested now will save you weeks of agony later.

To be prepared, you need to focus on people, policy and process. While technology and equipment are important, it's generally not necessary to make everything redundant. That's much too expensive!

Rather, identify who and what really matters and develop a set of targeted plans to ensure that those elements can withstand disasters or be quickly replaced. We can help you get to the heart of your business quickly and create procedures for keeping it running in the face of disastrous events.

It's not as hard or as expensive as it looks.

By interviewing the senior members of your staff, we can quickly determine the processes and people that are the life blood of your business. This information will rapidly lead us to the critical computer systems and software applications that support the business.

This process leads to some simple but important decisions. Do you want to keep the business running seamlessly in the event of a disaster? Or, is the substitution of manually intensive processes for a brief period acceptable?

Seamless operation requires investment in redundant systems with failover capability. This can be expensive but for some businesses it is essential. Operating manually during a disaster requires very little investment. The key requirement is generating an Business Continuity Plan and training key personnel in following the plan.

Don't wait for an emergency situation!

Most people tend to wait for a crisis before they develop an Business Continuity Plan. Bad idea! You end up paying twice, once for the disaster and a second time for the planning…if you're still in business.

A cost-effective approach is to incorporate business continuity planning into system upgrades and new purchases. Take it in small chunks over time. Think about workgroups and specific systems not the entire enterprise at once.

It can be easier than you think.

An initial consultation in your office at the time of your choosing is complimentary and without obligation.

To learn more about preventing network intrusions, read about our Network Security Program.

Office Complex

It's Complicated!

Business is complex.

People get set in their ways.

Something disrupts the flow.

Everything stops!

It's amazing how simple problems can completely disrupt your operations.

What about the tough problems? An emergency, disaster, attack or catastrophic system failure.

Do you just send everyone home for a few days until you sort it all out? Some companies do just that. They don't tend to survive for long.

Explore. Plan. Execute. Verify.

Be prepared. A small investment now can save your business later.

We can work with your staff to prepare an Business Continuity Plan, train your team in following the plan and be available to help, if needed, when the plan is put into action.