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The Virus Map displays information about actual virus infections detected by Trend Micro's HouseCall, a free on-line virus scanner for PCs, and by Trend Micro's Control Manager, a central management solution for network administrators. This dynamic map can be used to analyze worldwide virus trends in real time and to predict virus outbreaks and prevent them proactively.

Virus Alert

They're everywhere!

This warning sign probably should appear on every website on the internet. There's no escaping them. However, if you keep your antivirus software up to date and stay alert, you'll have minimal, if any, problems.

The Virus Map to the left provides information on the top viruses traveling across the internet. Hover your mouse cursor over a continent to see the top 10 viruses in that region. Select options from the pull-down menus to change the scope or time period of the information.

We hope you enjoy using this tool and find it informative. If you have any questions or comments, please email us.